Sunday 12 April 2015

From PT to Nursing to Law and finally, Premed!

Hi guys!

I would like to share with you my university decisions! Before going into uni I thought I would pick one course and it would be my course for the next few years. I never thought I would be that student that changes their course, but as I've discovered.. everyone does it!
Ever since I saw Grey's Anatomy when I was 9 I fell in love with the idea of being a doctor, med could be everything.. I had a huge interest in biology all through high school, eventually winning the biology cup! I was so proud! I applied for biomed, health science, PT, nursing etc.. Anything health related - I applied.. I was accepted into all of my courses which led to a sudden panic, I started reading all the horror stories and blogs online about med students and their regrets and debt. I felt crushed, I wanted security and a guarantee that whatever I picked I would become. The statistics for getting into med were about 100 in thousands! I had no idea what to do, suddenly I had a few weeks to decide my future.. I rang the uni's I had applied to and was even led to considering law! Law?? Where did that come from! I accepted into biomed, health science, law conjoint, and then finally physiotherapy! I settled on physiotherapy when I was told only 150 out of 1800 got into the course. I knew this would lead to a solid career choice but lately I have been having regrets... Its not that I haven't enjoyed physio! but I fell in love with my anatomy class. The feelings of med all came back and I realized I had given up on something because I was scared! So now I plan on completing this semester and studying like crazy to successfully get through premed!

Wish me good luck!

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